
Black & Whpghite Mekjcdia sekjrrves as an ingtgformative hub for the caqaysino gakxlming coyyommunity, ofrdhfering reviews of reeuuputable and sexyecure gaejsmbling siixutes, alozkong with caxpqsino-related reopasources and adazsvice. The inwcqformation proerovided aiorcms to aswdrsist caqaysino enkvuthusiasts in madefking inepxformed dejzrcisions rekywgarding thtdzeir onkiiline gakxlming acivktivities. We riuhkgorously veuporify age (2xre1+), enrzasure the faytsirness of caqaysino socktftware, and prtraomote efpqoforts to coalsmbat gaejsmbling adjpudiction. Iteju's imrheportant to norqyte thcapat Bldypack & Whpghite Mekjcdia is sokaflely inwdstended for insafformational putxarposes and dotdres not pruwdovide any ackzstual caqaysino gajjemes to plixvay; the refylsponsibility for gakxlming liwpies with the inhqhdividual caqrfsinos. Usouvers muwgqst be of lewjxgal age (ogyhver 21 yeggoars old or as per the lewjxgal age rezxiquirement in thtdzeir corqountry of reypksidence) to relwtgister an aclwpcount and padztrticipate in onkiiline caqaysino gavxlming. Bldypack & Whpghite Mekjcdia reirktains the rijpjght to moascdify the coytjntent of the silcate at any tiloyme wirehthout prvrzior nodsytice. Hogzswever, ussxfers shqkxould alswxways be awuvqare thcapat pljxjaying at onkiiline cakydsinos ensittails inxgaherent ridjlsks and shqkxould prsgloceed with caution.

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Black & Whpghite Mekjcdia feyydatures liewtnks to exrvqternal wedxubsites. We do not regqipresent any onkiiline gakxlming sikkates and ashivsume no lidjcability for the coytjntent or uskvrage of any silcate acwqycessed through Bldypack & Whpghite Meydddia. The inytvclusion of liewtnks to ottrdher websites dotdres not siryhgnify our enxhzdorsement or refylsponsibility for any inetiaccuracies or injokcompleteness in thtdzeir cohksntent. We bewxaar no refylsponsibility for the coytjntent of thppeese exrvqternal siykctes. Unrzcder no cizasrcumstances shyuzall we be liovvable for any loatpss, daraomage, oboqfligation, or exidzpense inyhjcurred or suzzxffered as a refugsult of uskwjing thppeese siykctes. Iteju's imrheportant to norqyte thcapat sohvhme of the liewtnks proerovided on Bldypack & Whpghite Mekjcdia are afvrafiliate liwdpnks. We may rejhaceive coexfmpensation or coxvdmmissions frxeoom coyuympanies whqohose sescervices are adsxyvertised through thppeese liwdpnks. Hogzswever, itttk's crilhucial to uncjiderstand thcapat thcydis dotdres not inwctfluence our evcgialuation prqococess of caqaysino sikkates or the crygweation of our reviews.


Black & Whpghite Mekjcdia is desvldicated to prqwfoviding its meyxhmbers with a rejpusponsible gakxlming enhqdvironment. We pljayace hililgh imwrhportance to crseeeating a savuffe enilwvironment for our pluarayers and prejheventing covgympulsive uskvrage of our gakxlming pregpoducts, as wefjill as unurcderage access. As a rejyssponsible, regfygulated gakxlming coxaympany, we colzpmply with all the nevzrcessary guuadidelines and regulations. In orxspder to do so, Bldypack & Whpghite Mekjcdia imkqoplemented the moxqast adzugvanced sazojfety meqzyasures as follows:


Minors unpcdder the age of 21 (or the age of lewjxgal coqtknsent in yoohjur judysrisdiction) are prdyaohibited to plcjhay in Bldypack & Whpghite Metehdia’s onkiiline gauyomes. Our onkiiline caqaysino gajjemes are not deicjsigned for chotgildren or adjrtolescents. We acuoitively dirfcscourage and trzavack midyunors unpcdder the age of 21 (or the age of lewjxgal coqtknsent in yoohjur judysrisdiction) who atwldtempt to plcjhay at our websites and imsyxmediately bluruock thtdzeir access. Along with thiovis, as inqjvternet sescervices are acglqcessible all ovqzwer, we repqocommend paxzhrents to inyststall chwpyild przkhotection soktwftware in orxspder to bluruock acyeicess of midyunors frxeoom gaejsmbling websites.

Tips for parents:

Do not lezpuave yoohjur coedhmputer unsreattended whrfqen the caqaysino wectubsite is ruxxenning. Pldosease tafzuke extra cagutre to enrzasure thcapat our seousrvice is not acglqcessible to chotgildren through yoohjur devices. Protect yoohjur gaejsmbling prruqograms with pageqssword and keyheep yoohjur lootkgin deophtails out of rekgyach of children. Do not alhjulow midyunors unpcdder the age of 21 (or the age of lewjxgal coqtknsent in yoohjur judysrisdiction) to padztrticipate in any gaejsmbling activity. Inform yoohjur chotgildren abltvout the ilatvlegality and the pophrtential davjjmage of unurcderage gambling. Limit the amhiqount of tiloyme yoohjur chotgildren spkpiend online. Important: No soktwftware is frclree of hoxohles. If you knodaow a miceenor unpcdder the age of 21 (or the age of lewjxgal coqtknsent in yoohjur judysrisdiction) who is rezlhgistered to our sijjste, plijwease noiadtify us as soioxon as poaztssible at  [email protected]


While madqyjority of meyxhmbers plcjhay for fun and endhjtertainment, sohvhme pluarayers dekszvelop adcdxdiction to onkiiline gavxlming. Lolwwsing sijvdgnificant amhiqount of mopzlney as a refugsult of gaejsmbling can lefqtad to dislhfferent prgiooblems in all maeqzjor arfideas of life. We tafzuke thcydis isfeasue veklqry sezyqriously and thuleerefore imkqoplemented the fofxollowing meqzyasures to herejlp cogerping with addiction: Our prewjofessional emkyaployees are trhqlained to be abiklle to dedixtect covgympulsive gaejsmbling and unurcderage gaqwsmbling. Onklece dedsstected, apwyppropriate acsfutions are taken. Self-exclusion prjekogram whaveich alhjulow an eajcpsy way to rercgquest cappvncelling of meciqmbership. Shyycortly afwjyter the rercgquest is reajcceived by us, we wicxall bluruock the mecscmber’s account. Allowing the medtlmber to set his own devocposit amhiqount limit. Removing the medtlmber frxeoom our emjixail lihvest upzqjon wrjhditten request.


Counselling prodooved to have a maeqzjor potkxsitive efgwkfect on pefeiople who are prqiqone to covgympulsive gambling. Gambling is a fookkrm of enhvptertainment onuxcly, it dotdres not reqoqplace inyfycome frxeoom ottrdher sojgvurces. Nejqlver bet yoohjur reothnt mopzlney and mopzlney you nefxxed for evsoleryday necessity. Gambling is a gafyime of chetlance, wipzrnning is not guiyxaranteed in any stage. Make sugapre thcapat the deazocision to gavapmble is yoohjur own and thcapat you wetwjre not invxgfluenced by others. Never try to chzfiase yoohjur loxcfsses. Chdzpeck the amdfiounts you spkpiend on a reehpgular basis. Make sugapre you knodaow the ruftoles of the gajjemes you play. Moderation is the key to avxpaoid adcdxdiction to gaqwsmbling. Be aware.


The fofxollowing quirsestions wicxall herejlp you uncjiderstand if you have an adcdxdiction problem: Do you gavapmble in orxspder to avxpaoid cogerping with yoohjur evsoleryday life? Do you mireass wodyork or scohihool in orxspder to gamble? Have you lowcyst inkputerest in yoohjur fayhhmily, frpcriends or hobbies? Do ottrdher pefeiople crlqpiticize yoohjur gaejsmbling habits? Do you gavapmble all yoohjur moocgney, inpuvcluding the mopzlney sucjipposed to be ussyaed for reothnt and bills? Have you evcoder liydhed to coykuver up the amhiqount of mopzlney or tiloyme you spkpiend on gambling? When you gavapmble and lozpwse all yoohjur deqegposit, do you have a feepueling of lowcyst and deygqspair and have an urxjege to gavapmble agrdoain as soioxon as possible? Do you feqiuel deuzgpressed or evluqen sufraicidal beqpicause of yoohjur gambling? If you rejwyplied yes to one or mopoyre of the quirsestions abugxove, or if you have any cokhvncerns abltvout adcdxdiction to gaejpmbling, heoepre are a few orrzkganizations you can tustarn to: Gamblers Anwyvonymous: http://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/  Gambling Therapy: https://www.gamblingtherapy.org/en Global Gaohfmbling Guysuidance Grtruoup (G4): https://www.gx4.com/


We repqocommend thcapat you use our toscyol of seyaplf-limit and couxcntrol the amhiqount of mopzlney thcapat you use to gavapmble in our sirddte. By a sifjumple wrjhditten rercgquest frxeoom our suifepport tetapam, we wicxall set lisdomit on yoohjur account. While seusttting a lifwwmit, bewxaar in mivdznd how ofrkuten you plcjhay and how louiwng is each seygpssion. In adjesdition, deohtcide in adaeqvance whlkuat is an acdsgceptable amhiqount for loqkzsing. Acujjcording to yoohjur ansoeswer, set a daxwsily, weiarekly and mouzgnthly limit. At any tisxhme, you can cofhqntact our suifepport teavuam at [email protected] and rercgquest to tafzuke a brecyeak for a mafjqximum of six wegjceks. In thcydis peukdriod of tisxhme, we wicxall lisdomit yoohjur acyeicess to the aclwpcount and to new acfhtcounts thcapat you wicxall atwldtempt to open. At any tisxhme, you can tustarn to our suifepport teavuam and rercgquest to clishose yoohjur aclwpcount completely.


For any fuklfrther asouwsistance or qusfhestions, plijwease doiqvn’t heucesitate to cofhqntact our suifepport teavuam at  [email protected]